The new book by Professor Aviv Amirav, titled "Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry with Cold EI: Leading the Way to the Future of GC-MS" explores this revolutionary technology in depth.
Book abstract:
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with supersonic
molecular beams (SMB) (also named GC-MS with Cold EI) is based on
GC and MS interface with a SMB and on the electron ionization (EI) of
vibrationally cold analytes in the SMB (hence the name Cold EI) in a
contact-free fly-through ion source.
Cold EI improves all the central
GC-MS performance aspects and brings a broad range of important
benefits thereby leading the way to the future of GC-MS. Cold EI provides enhanced molecular ions combined with effective library-based
sample identification. Sample identification is further improved by
the use of powerful TAMI software that is based on isotope abundance analysis and improved quadrupole mass accuracy for the provision of the sample elemental formula from its molecular ion group
of isotopologues. The range of low volatility, polar and thermally-labile compounds amenable for analysis is significantly increased
via the use of a contact-free fly-through ion source and the ability to lower sample elution temperatures through the use of high column
carrier gas flow rates. Effective fast GC-MS is enabled particularly due
to the possible use of high column flow rates, column flow programming and improved system selectivity in view of the enhancement of
the molecular ions.
GC-MS with Cold EI is characterized by low limits
of detection (LOD) and identification (LOI) that are superior to that
of GC-MS with standard EI, particularly for sample compounds that
are difficult to analyze. Cold EI is further characterized by uniform
compound independent response for improved quantitation and it
can serve as a non-targeted full-scan alternative to MS-MS since the
selectivity on the molecular ion is improved.
The ion source of GC-MS
with Cold EI is inherently inert and further characterized by fast response and vacuum background filtration capability. The same ion
source offers four modes of ionization including Cold EI, Low eV Soft
Cold EI, Classical EI and Cluster Chemical Ionization. Mode changing
is via a simple method change without any hardware change and requires only several seconds. Thus, with Cold EI there is no need for
any other ion source.
The GC separation of GC-MS with Cold EI can be
improved with pulsed flow modulation GCxGC-MS. Electron ionization LC-MS with Cold EI can also be combined with the GC-MS with
Cold EI in one MS system, with fast and easy switching between these
two modes of operation.
A range of applications is described with
emphasis on those that are unique to or that are much better analyzed by GC-MS with Cold EI.
Book Content
- Abstract
- 1. Background
- 2. Experimental—The GC-MS with Cold EI Systems
- 3. Cold Electron Ionization (Cold EI)
- 4. Sample Identification via Its Cold EI Mass Spectrum by the NIST library
- 5. Cold EI versus Low Electron Energy EI
- 6. Classical EI with the SMB System
- 7. Isotope Abundance Analysis (IAA) for the Provision of Elemental Formulae from Cold EI Mass Spectra
- 8. Isomer Mass Spectral Effects and Isomer Distribution Analysis
- 9. Improved Sample Identification via Its Cold EI Mass Spectrum
- 10. Cluster Chemical Ionization with SMB
- 11. Extending the Range of Compounds Amenable for Analysis—Healing the Achilles Heel of GC-MS
- 12. Uniform Compound Independent Ion Source Response and Its Benefits
- 13. Sensitivity and Limits of Detection
- 14. Speed—Fast GC-MS with Cold EI
- 15. Pulsed Flow Modulation Comprehensive Two Dimensional GCxGC-MS with Cold EI
- 16. Enhancement Technologies for GC-MS with Cold EI
- 17. Hyperthermal Surface Ionization
- 18. ChromatoProbe Sample Introduction Device
- 19. Low Thermal Mass Fast GC for Ultra-Fast GC-MS
- 20. Open Probe Fast GC-MS—Real Time Analysis with Separation and Library Identification
- 21. Electron Ionization LC-MS with Cold EI and GC-MS and LC-MS in One MS System
- 22. GC-MS-MS with Cold EI
- 23. Photoionization of Cold Molecules in SMB (Cold PI)
- 24. GC-MS with Cold EI Maintenance, Flexibility, Ease of Use and Price
- 25. Selected Applications of GC-MS with Cold EI
- 26. Hydrocarbons Analysis
- 27. Organic Chemistry Service Analysis
- 28. Oil Analysis for Its Diglycerides and Triglycerides Content
- 29. Lipids in Human Blood Analysis for Medical Diagnostics
- 30. Beeswax Analysis and the Challenge of Material Identification
- 31. Forensic and Homeland Security Explosives Analysis
- 32. Cannabis and Cannabinoids Analysis
- 33. Drugs Impurities Analysis
- 34. Pesticides Analysis in Agricultural Products
- 35. Nonoxinol-9 Condom Spermicide Analysis
- 36. Flavonoids in a Plant Extract Analysis
- 37. Discussion and Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Epilogue
- Bibliography
You can get the book as a pdf file for free by emailing your request to Professor Amirav at:
aviv@avivanalytical.com Please describe in your Email the reason for your interest in Cold EI
You can also purchase the book from Scientific Research Publishing at: